I Still Trust You / Artist - The Dennis Family
I Still Trust You / Artist - The Dennis Family
writer / McFall, BMI
For Booking:
Paulette Pynes, 3251 Cobb Ford Rd.,Miilbrook, Al 38054
(334) 285-5181 Fax: (334) 285-5704

First and foremost we would like to give praise, honor and glory to God, because nothing is possible without Him. We would like to also thank, send our love and appreciation to our families, for their love, understanding and support in our ministry. We want to be a willing vessel for the Lord and it's not always easy serving God or being gone from home a lot, but we pray God's blessings on them.
Words san not express how much you all mean to us. Beverly and Shannon you know we love you, but you don't know how much we appreciate all that you have done. THANK YOU! (daughters, sisters and friends).

Te Granny Wallace, Thank you for your support, love and prayers. To our prayer warriors who remember us constantly, we thank you. A great note of thanks goes to those who've worked so hard on this project (Thanks Rex, Sherri, Randy, Sammy, Jerry and Don). A very special thanks to Dad, who's behind the scenes keeping things rolling and most times late, late, late at night helping to follow in God's direction wherever it may lead. It takes all of us to make up the bride of Christ not jus one person or the other, not just big jobs, but the small ones too. It's all important to God. We pray above that we will be a blessing to people, and that these songs will touch someone’s heart. and change their life so that they too can know the joy of the Lord and His love . We love you, God Bless.

The Dennis Family John 3:16