Thats Just Me
Some like shootin whiskey
I like drinkin tea
if you're gona mix them
I'll take two or three

I'd say I'm pretty simple
if you're asking me
I cut my walin sticks
from an old dogwood tree

I like to ride down dirtroads
just me and the guys
music turned way up
thats no surprise

willie is a favorite
He's a great big ol' star
Soon I will be one day
If I keep on playing guitar

I'd like to see mysef
make it big and far
traveling across the world
playing my guitar
think of all the things i'd see
If I dont set you free
and I'd think I'd rather stay
but that's just me

I grew up in the country
offa highway 65
My Grandpa would be ecstatic
if Elvis was still alive

Down at the huntin cabin
We had a lot of fun
we'd go horseback riding
and fire off the guns

Both Grandma's could cook
sure cure my appetite
they'd make anything you want
as long as we didn't fight

overall I'd say
I'm a pretty average guy
That's why I'm dreamin big
Shootin for the sky's; Because...

I'd like to see mysef
make it big and far
traveling across the world
playing my guitar
think of all the things i'd see
If I dont set you free
and I'd think I'd rather stay
but that's just me