Missing You
Missing You
Music and Lyrics by Carson Hill

Trying to figure out what I did.
Trying to figure out what I said,
To make you leave me.
Four months now and I’m still waiting
For an explanation and I’m sorry,
But I don’t think I’ll be getting
One of those.
So go tell your lies.
I’ll be just fine.
You’ve broken my heart I won’t
Let you break it again.

I’m done trying to figure you out.
You change every minute.
I thought I had you down
But I guess I didn’t.
And you can act like you don’t care,
But deep down I think you do.
So this is me saying I’m through
Missing You.

All the memories come flashing back
Of how it use to be.
And maybe I’ve been thinking about it
Too much lately.
Thinking about you and me baby.
Why’d you let it end this way?
There you go.
Someone I don’t even know.
Why’d you walk away?
I’m sorry for everything I did to you.
And I know I did my fair share too.
But there’s so much you never knew.

I’m done trying to figure you out.
You change every minute.
I thought I had you down
But you turned out to be someone different.
And you can act like you don’t care
But deep down I know you do.
This is me saying I’m through
Missing you.