Calamity Jane
Sit down take some time share
some smoke and drink a little
itʼs okay we have all night weʼll
keep going till we see the light

Another trip down memory
lane, the roads the same but
some people have changed. I
find myself surrounded again
by bitter enemies or long lost

You can call me Calamity Jane.
another shot down another
wrecked train. On the run from
a lover or lawman, biding my
time till the very next showdown.
You can call me Calamity Jane.
another shot down another
wrecked train.

In this love or death race itʼs
the prettiest face that will break
you everytime. But take a step
back before you react or dare
to cross her line. If this isnʼt
love and you wanna get out
alive you should have left
before you came. Because the
biggest man with a gun in his
hand wonʼt soon forget my

You can call me Calamity Jane.
another shot down another
wrecked train. On the run from
a lover or lawman, biding my
time till the very next showdown
You can call me Calamity Jane.
another shot down another
wrecked train.

Setting your sights from across
the table, Iʼll take my shot
before you are able. Time is up
in this battle of wills when the
clock runs down and your
hands stand still.

You can call me Calamity Jane.
another shot down another
wrecked train. On the run from
a lover or lawman, biding my
time till that very next show
You can call me Calamity Jane.
another shot down another
wrecked train.
You can call me Calamity Jane.
Iʼll take that shot. Iʼll wreck that train.
You can call me Calamity Jane
I took that shot, I wrecked your