The Brick
The Brick
© 2016 Bill Berry

A brick is just a brick
That’s all it is and nothin’ more
But you can tell a lot about a man
By what he uses his brick for

You could build a wall
Or you could build a bridge
You could build a barbecue
Or a place to put your fridge
Build a mote around your castle
Keep out people you don’t need
Build a jail around somebody
Keep a man from being free
Build a million dollar mansion
Or a home to house the poor
You can tell a lot about a man by what he uses his brick for

A brick can start a riot
Throw it from an angry mob
I’ve seen people use them as a pillow
Simply ‘cause they lost their job
Build a cellar full of noise
Or a cellar for your wine
Wrap it in a pretty package
Sell a “Pet Brick” we could buy
Or drop one off a building
Play a game of brick roulette
Try doing something useful
Maybe build a Laundromat
If you’re hiding from the I.R.S.
Use a brick to jam the door
You can tell a lot about a man by what he uses his brick for

The Egyptians built the Pyramids
The Chinese built the Wall
Romans built the Coliseum
Nazis built the shower stall
It’s been used as a tablet
To write the Ten Commandments down
Or for when they drop the Bomb
To build a shelter underground
So many ways possibilities
So many ways to go
You can use ‘em as a canvas
Just like Michelangelo
Or set one on your mantle
A memento from the War
You can tell a lot about a man by what he uses his brick for

You could smash a family heirloom
You could break a chandelier
You could knock somebody off
Just to further your career
Or build a sacred shrine
Draped in rosary and lace
Or you could build a tombstone
For your final resting place
It’s true a brick is just a brick
Can’t be confused as nothin’ more
Yeah, but you can tell a lot about a man by what he uses his brick for