Woman of the Water rushing down the mountainside,
from what mysterious spring do you flow?
Laughing as you crash over pebbles in your path,
to what deep ocean do you go?

You’re clear as the glass from where I watch you pass,
beneath the sky you’re bluer than blue,
sunlight flashes from you ripples where you run,
my own face reflected in your pool.


The sound that you make as over rocks you break
washes over wounds in my weary soul.
I long to taste your waters where they race
and bathe beneath your waterfall.

But when the winter comes you freeze up like a stone.
Sweet water runs beneath an icy shield.
Like your diamond bright you’re still a pretty sight,
but more brittle and colder than steel.

So I’ll wait ‘til the spring when the sun comes like a king
to melt your crystal castles and your snow.
The riveluts in the hills flood and fill you ‘til you spill
and your own banks will overflow.

Woman of the Water rushing down the mountainside,
from what mysterious spring do you flow?
laughing as you crash over pebbles in your path,
to what deep ocean do you go?