I tried to tell you,’I love you’
so many times, both morning and evening,
after school and at the cathedral,
and even at noon.
At first I thought your mother despised me,
but even she looks at me with pity,
when I stand out on your street corner
alone with the moon.

My friends in the cantinas,
they know that I am in mortal danger
of dying from a broken heart
and I don’t have too long,
but you won’t come to your door,
won’t hear my plea,
or hear me implore you,
there’s no way left to say I adore you,
except with this song.

I wrote this song for you
and I hired Berbardo to sing it.
Marin plays divine violin
and he promised to bring it.
Beneath your balcony,
with the moon shining in it.
I hope this song touches your heart
for I’m trying to win it.

You’ve heard of my reputation,
how I get drunk and chase reckless women,
gamble my money and brawl in the bar rooms,
well, none of that’s true.
These lies that are spoken about me,
it’s just because my soul is in torment,
and I would change in only an instant
if I just had you.

I could have hired the singer, Santiago,,
it wouldn’t matter that his fee is so costly,
but when he sings the women go crazy
and for him you might fall,
so I gave Bernardo two bottles,
they’ll make his voice sound just like an angel’s,
if he doesn’t get drunk as a pig
and not show up at all.
