Mis Amour
7. Mis Amour
(public domain)
Aou jardin de moun paire i ha tan béu pin,
aou jardin de moun paire i ha tan béu pin,
i ha tan béu pin, mis amour, i ha tan béu pin.
O caio, belo caio, ount és toun niu?
O caio, belo caio, ount és toun niu?
Ount és toun niu, mis amour,
ount és toun niu?
És pas sous la mountanho, és aou plan pais,
és pas sous la mountanho, és aou plan pais,
aou plan pais, mis amour, aou plan pais.
O caio, belo caio, que i ha dedins?
O caio, belo caio, que i ha dedins?
Que i ha dedins, mis amour, que i ha
I ha quatre demaiselhos e ieu fau cinc,
i ha quatre demaiselhos e ieu fau cinc,
eieu fau cinc, mis amour, e ieu fau cinc.
Uno que vai a l'aigo e l'aoutro al vin,
uno que vai a l'aigo e l'aoutro al vin,
e l'aoutro al vin, mis amour, e l'aoutro al vin.
Uno que fai la duèrmo per ben durmir,
uno que fai la duèrmo per ben durmir,
per ben durmir, mis amour, per ben durmir.
Prenou moun abalestro, li vau tirar,
ai tirâ sous ma mio e l'ai tuâ,
e l'ai tuâ, mis amour, e l'ai tuâ.
Se passo par la vilo me penjaran,
se passo dins lou Rose me negaran,
Me negaran, mis amour, me negaran.
(English translation)
There in my father's garden are so many pine trees,
There in my father's garden are so many pine trees,
So many pine trees, my own true love, pine trees.
Oh quail, you lovely quail, where's your nest?
Oh quail, you lovely quail, where's your nest?
Where's your nest, my own true love, your nest?
It's not high on the mountain,
it's in the plain,
It's not high on the mountain,
it's in the plain,
It's in the plain, my own true love, in the plain.
Oh quail, you lovely quail, what's there inside?
Oh quail, you lovely quail, what's there inside?
What's there inside, my own true love, there inside?
There are four maidens, and I am the fifth,
There are four maidens, and I am the fifth,
I am the fifth, my own true love, I am the fifth.
One goes for water, the other for wine,
One goes for water, the other for wine,
The other for wine, my own true love, the other for wine.
One sings us to sleep well with lullabies,
One sings us to sleep well with lullabies,
Sings us to sleep well, my own true love, with lullabies.
Now I take my crossbow to kill them all,
I hit my sweetheart and I killed her,
I killed her, my own true love, I killed her.
If I pass through the town I shall be hanged,
If I swim through the Rhône I shall be drowned,
I shall be drowned, my own true love, be drowned.