Why Me?
In the shadow of a mountain
At the edge of Grandpa’s land
Stands an old log cabin
Where I’ve grown to be a man
There I planned to live a lifetime
But I’ll have to change that tune
‘cause my life is almost over
I’m checking out too soon

Why me, when it all was going fine?
Why me, can I have a bit more time?
I’m calling to the Good Lord
And he tells me it’s okay
So I'll get on with my living
And enjoy another day

The doctor said for what I got
There really is no cure
I’m feeling pretty helpless
How can I endure?
So I sneak a little something
I really shouldn’t eat
And burn a lot of rubber
While I'm driving down the street


Last night inside a vision
I saw my family
Who’d all gone on before
It brought me to my knees
If you ever have a burden
Need to lighten up your load
Jesus is your Savior
He’ll walk you down the road
