Airport Love Story
Airport Love Story: (March 2006) ONE LINE….””She was looking down her nose at my cowboy boots”….came to me around January 2006, but I put it in the back of my mind because I wasn’t in a songwriting mood. A couple months later, riding the elevator up to our apartment, the LINE came back…That was a clear message that the SONG was ready to be written. All the rest of song is from an imaginary story of meeting this woman at an airport bar and enjoying a drink with her. Something not to far fetched, plus I did NOTHING WRONG!! THINGS TO KNOW: I wrote two melodies for this song; an up tempo and a ballad. I sent out both demos to about six DJ’s and several other songwriters asking for their advice on which version they liked best. In less than seven days, pen to paper, Roy Cost (DJ Arkansas) played the ballad version on his radio program and the same day Joyce Ramagatie (DJ Netherlands) played the up-tempo version!!. By the way there was a toss-up between who liked which version!!