Heaven's Heartbeat
The song is about watching thunderstorms with the one you love. The lyrics were written by Albert Cardwell for his wife Patti in the late 1990's and they stayed in a filing cabinet for over 17 years until Britt Warren brought it to life in 2016. Artist bio, lyrics and other information are available at www.heavensheartbeat.com
See our music lyrics video at https://youtu.be/YOhwebg2QKo
Heaven's Heartbeat © Albert Cardwell & Britt Warren (co-writers)
Registered with BMI - Work # 023147495
ISRC # ushm81689588
UPC # 191061039846
Release Date 11/11/2016
Record Label GASAJERAN Music
Recorded at Salt Mine Productions, Madison, N.C.
Available on itunes, Amazon, CDBaby, Google Play and most other distribution sites.