Another Try
Another Try Rory Ruff, ASCAP ã2009
Can you look me in the eyes
And say you don’t love me anymore
Can you walk away
Without walking back through that door
Can you really just leave behind
Everything we've worked so hard to get
You may be able to, but I'm not ready to quit
So go ahead get in your car
Go on and turn that key
Get on down the road
And don't look back at me
Try to move on
Girl I wish you all the best
Pay no attention to
The knife here in my chest
I will be just fine
Though you'll be always on my mind
And even after these tears have dried
I'll still be waiting here to give us another try
(2nd Verse)
Last night our song was on the radio
I turned it up and turned the lights down low
I reminisced of our first dance
That night out in the barn
And how me made love
Till the break of dawn
But now those days are gone