In The Blink Of An Eye
People tend to go through life
Like they are living in a dream
They take each day for granted
Like it doesn’t mean a thing
One day something happens and they’re taken by surprise
In the blink of an eye it can all pass by
In the Blink of an eye
Your life can rearrange
In the blink of an eye
it may never be the same
There aint no need for holding back
Things are lost and things are gained
It can all pass by
In the blink of an eye

My friend married his true love Early on in life
He came home at lunch one day Just to see his bride
She was in the neighbors arms When the door swung open wide
In the blink of an eye it all passed by

(their lives)

Big Tom was a good old boy who always worked outside
One day on the loading dock as Tommy went walking by
A metal shelf came crashing down and damn near took his life
In the blink of an eye it all passed by

(his life)

All the studies tell us this old climates bound to change
Everyday we go outside and think its all the same
But once we cross that tipping point and the flood gates open wide
In the blink of an eye
It could all pass by
(our lives)