Upshur County
Down round the curve in the old Camp Joy circle
You'll come to the end of the county paved road
Left toward the lake past my Uncle Jody's
My Papaw's sitting in a flat bottomed boat

I still remember cool nights in November
Camped out on Corps land it felt like was ours
The ones gone before me telling tales of their glory
And scary ghost stories around the campfire

Someday I'll come back down to old Upshur County
That dammed up old river the Lake O' the Pines
If I can't make it back while the fish are still biting
Tell Papaw I'm sorry tell Daddy I tried

That Church of God sits over by Billy Stroman's
Mama she leads 'em to sing the old hymns
And I saw the light at the altar one Sunday
The day I laid down that old hammer of sin

I was a good boy I told 'em 'bout Jesus
The fellas they laughed at me down at the school
But the pretty girls they liked the boys who drank liquor
And I backslid quicker than I wanted to

Someday I'll come back down to old Upshur County
That dammed up old river the Lake O' the Pines
If I can't make it back down before Easter Sunday
Tell the preacher I'm sorry tell Mama I tried

Someday I'll come back down to old Upshur County
That dammed up old river the Lake O' the Pines
If I can't make it back down before it's all over
To old Upshur County I'll return when I die