Cut me a hole in your body
Cut me a hole in your time
Cut me a hole in your shadow
I'l l cut a hole in mine

I'll cut a hole in my story
I'll cut a hole in my game
I'll cut a hole in my shadow
Hold me right up to the flame

Hold me right up to the mirror
Hold me right up to the ghost
Where the children were frozen in terror
And all of their honor was lost

Where it turned into, "I don't need this one,"
And, "I can do better than you,"
And suffering Jesus remembers
Much better than all of you do

Yes, suffering Jesus remembers
Who stole the pitcher of tea
And who gave the beggar refusal
And who stuck a sword into me

As I was the one who was chosen
To pay the high price of sin
On the cold, dark floor of unreason
At the wheel where worlds begin

As God is my mother and father
You have no more of that name
By the power of all I remember
By the freedom that comes with that claim

For here is a girl who's been beaten
But still, she is willing to try
And forced at the altar of falsehood
Still she is unwilling to lie

And what does that say for our silence
And all of the feeling we fake
All of those bleak, wasted moments
All the excuses we make

May you outlive the end of that story
And in harmony's banner of light
May you walk a long morning in glory
Up the hill at the end of the night