Beneath The Star
BENEATH THE STAR (c)2013 Szabo Songs ASCAP
Beneath the Star, in tiny Bethlehem
A light shines and softly calls,
"Come share the light and leave the darkness"
Listen o'er the hilltops, hear the faithful cry,
"There Beneath the Star, the angels are singing,
Trumpets are calling, wise men afar"
"Behold the King of Kings, born to save us
Sleeps in a manger, there Beneath the Star"
Behold the King, a child of simple means
Who all come to see, and pray
That all our sins will be forgiven
Listen o'er the hilltops, hear the faithful cry,
"There Beneath the Star, the angels are singing,
Trumpets are calling, wise men afar"
"Behold the King of Kings, born to save us
Sleeps in a manger, there Beneath the Star"