300 sleeper cells in wait. Those are my kind of numbers, man, when their story pops like a rubber band. So shut your fat maw let's get down to it, if a copper didn't see it then I didn't do it. Lew's got a grip Left, Right and State with a bucketful of brains and a bellyful of hate.
No one seems to notice all the garbage going in. No one seems to notice all the trouble we are in. No one seems to notice all the flies buzzing around, but it's garbage in and it's garbage out and this is the archetypal rock sound.
How about a cyanide pill for the city on the hill, well they say they'll never **** up but I bet they will. Every time there's pen to paper, another caper, can't you smell that smell that smell?
Blood or drug money we're so happy to please you right here in the banks of the good ol' US of Amnesia.