Boots and Bandanas
Boots and Bandannas
There’s nothing left but boots and bandanas Shoes to fill, and questions to answer
There’s no moving forward without looking back Take what you can and do your best with it there’s always one more thing to learn
And days that have passed will never return You move forward best you can manage Bolstered by hope and boots and bandannas
And all these things you left behind they once meant something
But your world is not the same as mine, it’s just their edges touching You did whatever you wanted to, wish I could say the same
But i’ll be damned it I'm going to take what’s left here and throw it away
We look for meaning in the things that happen
We’ve all survived by looking for patterns
There are no bearings in a darkened room
But then your eyes adjust and you're left with only you And the space all around like the questions unanswered There’s no comfort and no way to balance
The feelings from now and a lifetime ago
So you plant yourself and let it go
We want to do better than was done before
make a better run of it, do a little more
The young man is certain and old man’s forgotten Then the young man is old, and left with the knowledge that he did all he could with what he was given
he did the best he was able every day he was living
He moved forward best he could manage
Bolstered by hope and boots and bandannas