Took them from their land shipped them overseas
We placed them, replaced and repeat
And when it came time to ask them for their keeps
For promises of land of their own
This land’s not yours to give or to keep
This land is for you and for me
But I will serve so that I might be free
From the father, the spirits guide me.

Oh to live in America the home of the kings and the pawns
I will not be free in America they can’t take what is already gone

Restlessly in search of more for our worth
The wealth of which is seldom scene
While you and I work the day and night
Breaking our bones for our bread
But it keeps us alive though we struggle and fight
As long as we persevere
But we can’t slip an inch or give in just a bit
This fight demands more than we can give


So it’s back to work we go into a world we don’t know
What was once will never be again
We’ve redefined the times to fit into our lives
And comfort is convenient to me
So what if I’m afraid to feel and embrace a concept so foreign to me
But it takes you and I and it takes all our lives working for something we may never see
