South Wind
Oh, south wind of the gentle rain
You banish winter weather
Bring salmon to the pools again
And bees among the heather.
If northward now you mean to blow
As you rustle soft above me
God speed be with you as you go
With a kiss for those that love me.

From south I come with velvet breeze
My word all nature blesses
I melt the snow and strew the leaves
With flowers and soft caresses.
I'll help you to dispel your woes
In joy I'll take your greeting
And bear it to your loved Mayo
Upon my wings so fleeting.

My Connaught famed for wine and play
So leal, so gay, so loving
Here's my fond kiss I send today
Borne on by the wind in its roving.
These Munster people are good and kind
Right royally they treat me
But this land I'd gladly leave behind
With my Connaught pipes to greet me.