Christmas Day
I remember Christmas Day at home. Christmas morning always started before dawn.
When the children would arise with sleep still in their eyes; and mama in her faded sleeping gown.
Gathered all around that old pine tree; decorated with blue and red and gold.
They were all filled with glee looking underneath the tree. Just to see what this Christmas would behold.
Oh Christmas at home was something else to see.
And; every year at Christmas, that’s where I want to be.

There was always something special just for my mama. That daddy went outside to bring in. I would see my mama’s face light up with a smile and I can still see my daddy’s silly grin.
Last year little Harlow got his train set, and Mary finally got her gold earrings.
And; hidden in the tree was something just for me; a harmonica tied there with a string.
Oh Christmas at home was something to behold.
And; every year at Christmas, that’s where I want to go.

Later; mom or dad would read the bible and tell us just why Christmas came to be. How a little baby boy was born In Bethlehem in a manger that was far across the sea.
That’s where I learned about Jesus. Learning just how Christmas came to be.
How he made the lame to walk. And; he made the dumb to talk. But best of all; he saved a wretch like me

Oh Christmas at home was something else to see.
And; every year at Christmas, that’s where I want to be.
