Everything's Normal
he’s got football at three
she’s got ballet at four
then you’ve got forty minutes
to hit the grocery store
before you get him from football
and her from ballet
then you get them both home for the end of the day

it’s ok
everything’s normal
everything’s fine
a lot of running around
not a whole lot of time
it’s how your days are spent
when your whole world
has come to an end

and then
in the morning

you got to get them to school
before you get to work
where you get to put up with
the usual jerks
After you get through the traffic
and you get through the crowds
you get to the point
you want to cry out loud

it’s ok
everything’s normal
everything’s fine
a lot of running around
not a whole lot of time
it’s how your days are spent
when your whole world
has come to an end

sometime today
you’ll have to call
set up a meeting
to talk over it all
you’ll have to hear things
you don’t want to know
then you’ll have to decide
do you want him to stay
or go

it’s ok
everything’s normal
everything’s fine
a lot of running around
not a whole lot of time
it’s how your days are spent
when your whole world
has come to an end