Big To Do (5:30)
Troubadours of Divine Bliss
Aim Me Smiley and Renee Ananda
502 608-1587

It’s funny how songwriting works sometimes. Most of the verses to this song were written over 20 years ago for a gospel song that never really fleshed out. As the melody and theme of this song started coming, those old lines popped into Renee’s mind. We looked them up and they fit! The chorus came suddenly. It always comes back to Love. No matter what we write or care about or want to say- it’s Love. It is the one thing that we need to remember to do on our honey-do list. “As I wake, work, walk. As I think, drive, talk. As I give, as I take, as I make. As I play, as I plan and as I pray.” It’s meant to be a sing-a-long and friendly reminder to keep the main thing- the main thing.