Janie Rothfield and Allan Carr - Twa Corbies/Two Ravens
The Twa Corbies Traditional

As i wis walkin a' my lane
I heard twa corbies mak'n a mane
the teen untae the tither did say o
Far sall we gang an dine the day o
Far sall we gang an dine the day

Oh in ahent yon auld fail dyke
I wat there lies a new slain knight
An naebody kens that he lies there o
But his hawk and his hound and his lady fair o
His hawk an his hound and his lady fair

His hawk is tae the huntin gaen,
his hound tae fetch the wildfowl hame
His lady's ta'en anither mate o
So we mun mak oor dinner swate o
We mun mak oor dinner swate

O i'll sit on his white hause bane
An ye'll pike oot his bonny blue een
Wi ae lock o his yella hair o
We'll theek oor nest fan it grows bare o
We'll theek oor nest fan it grows bare

O mony's the yin for him maks mane
Bit nane sall ken far he his gaen
His white banes fan they grow bare o
The win' sall blaw forever mair o
The win' sall blaw for ever mair.

THE TWO RAVENS Lyrics Trad/Adapted by Allan Carr: Tune by Rick Lee “Indian Neck”

As I was walking, walking all alone
I heard two ravens making their moan
Up spoke the first raven, where shall we go
to find our supper, in the forest below?

Up spoke the second, this I do know
There are lovely bones, in the forest below
Under the thorn bush, obscured from all view
lies a poor rounder, his death wound still new

Nobody knows he is lying there
Only his hounds, and his lady fair
His hunting hounds are far from his gate
his lady's taken, a rich man for her mate

So I will sit on his chest where he lies
and you can pick out, his bonny blue eyes
and with a lock of his yellow hair
we'll thatch our nest, while his bones grow bare

As I was walking, walking all alone
I heard two ravens making their moan
Up spoke the first raven, where shall we go
to find our supper, in the forest below?