I Don't Know
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, my girlfriend Amy and I happened to be separated by the border between Canada and the United States. Though we tried to be optimistic about a brief lock down, after a month, it become clear that we were now a long distance couple for the unforeseeable future. Having a relationship over the phone is hard enough, but with the nature of quarantining, there wasn’t anything “new” or “exciting” going on in our worlds. Talking about what we ate for our daily meals was getting stale. We decided to try co-writing together as a new activity, and this was the first song we came up with. I personally find fleshing out a song intimidating, but having Amy (fiddle player and songwriter from Americana duo “Golden Shoals”) on the other end of the line was just what this song needed to tie up the loose ends. Production wise, this is our most modern track on the album. Before this we always recorded live in one room together. For “Up the Hill and Through the Fog”, we wanted to use post production to its full potential. We had fun with our producer Chris Stringer on this one, who lent all of his production tricks to mirror my modern influences including Jim Croce, The Osborne Brothers, and Jerry Reed.