Colin Cutler - Bad Man’s Easy

“Bad Man's Easy”

There ain't no joy in it, Bobby Lee,
I said as we drove down Highway 1.
That tiger tattoo on his arm, it grinned
As he tightened his grip on the butt of his gun.
We might make it to the Carolina line,
But a bad man's easy to find.

Have I ever told you how I feel
When I hear those sirens wail?
Like a pack of dogs nipping at my heels,
Even if I know that they aren't on my trail,
A good man's hard to find,
But a bad man's easy.

My mama said there's two kinds of people:
You're going to heaven, or you're going to hell,
But everybody's got at least a little killer in them
If you touch where you're not wanted, you can tell.
A good man's hard to find,
But a bad man's easy.

Was it love, was it fear in her eyes?
It was something that I’d never seen before;
It was like she saw me and she recognized me,
And I must’ve jerked back when I shot her.
A good man is hard to find, but a bad man’s easy.

Might be the Devil, might be God, might be both.
Might be grace, might be the law, I don't know,
But a good man's hard to find, (4x)
And a bad man's easy.

A bad man’s easy,
Yes, sir, a bad man’s easy
Oh, a bad man’s easy,
Yeah, a bad man’s easy.