Colin Cutler - Mama, Don’t Know Where Heaven Is
Mama, Don’t Know Where Heaven Is

Mama, don’t know where heaven is,
But I hear that’s where you’ve gone.
Mama, don’t know where heaven is, Oh Lord,
But I’ll be there with you before too long.

Father, he says you’ve gone away,
Where there ain’t a heaven nor a hell.
Father, he says you’ve gone away,
And you ain’t bad, and you ain’t well.


Sister, she was a baby,
And I hear she’s up in heaven, too.
Sister, she was a baby, Lord,
And I wonder if she’s seen you.

There’s a boy out on the street says you’ve seen Jesus’ face,
Way up where He hung the stars,
He says there ain’t no more people a-crying
And I want to be there where you are.