Everyone Wants To Come To America
Everyone Wants to Come to America: Lyrics

I am not just some young, dumb American.
Don't you know my world is bigger than that.
'cause if I was just some young dumb American,
I'd be missing some things, Americans lack.
I opened up my eyes and it comes as no surprise,
I am many things, not just American.

War is not the way, no dumb American,
should hijack liberty and bring her to her knees.
The scoundrel dogs of war, who sold out America,
Will be vanquished by the truth, when everyone sees.
It should come as no surprise, when they open up their eyes,
Truth and justice alive, in America.

To be an American, be an American,
The concept we have founded for everyone.
Be an American, be an American,
Brothers and sisters all, under one sun.

Everyone wants to come to America.
The flames of freedom burns within their breast.
Give us all the same opportunities,
A place where everyone can do their best.
It is said "In God we Trust", be on guard from that we must.
Ain't it grand to be an American?

Everyone wants to come to America,
And struggle for their own equality.
The vision of America is grand enough
Embracing all, as one big Family
Balance now, we must the scales,
Truth and justice will not fail.
The Dream, will be reborn, Oh America!

[Chorus repeats]