The Trick or Treat Trials (Sylvie)
The Trick or Treat Trials (Sylvie) (p) Flo & Rich Newman (120 bpm)

Now there’s one kind of geography we absolutely adored
We studied every inch of that Candyland board

Sylvie & me we sneaka the treats
Licka the lollipop go for the sweet
Sylvie & me we lika the treats
Licka the lollipop - Tell us our teeth will rot - Sylvie & me

Ruled by Queen Chocolate
We crave an endless huge stock of it
The focus of our world is the trick or treat
We be planning our route for weeks and weeks
Planning our route for weeks

Sylvie ...

Sketching maps in the margins of our school notes
Seeking Streets where the houses are clustered close
Decorate a pillowcase - capacity is huge
Paint our faces cause a mask could obstruct our view
Every detail is discussed, our disguises must
hang just the right length, not to trip us up

Sun sets - the most magic of moments looms
Two witches in sneakers fly by without brooms
Two small witches running fast as a flash
Zigzagging the streets - amassing a stash
Till we dump it all out on the living room floor
Tasting, trading, countin’ till the moms hide our hordes
Pleading for just one more, just one more

Sylvie ...

The next week is a story of “Spy vs. Spy”
We desperately seek - Moms ruthlessly hide
We’re climbing the cabinets - scaling the fridge
Peek in the pantry - Where’s that good stuff hid
Seems the contents of our stash - too rapidly sinks
We’re starting to suspect that something might stink
something definitely smells

Years later one mom’s laughing confession
Confirmed just what we’d been suspecting
She’d taken our treasure to the school where she taught
She used the dental defense to justify what she’d robbed
The other mom under further questioning said
“I simply threw it all out - thought you’d never guess” ...

They who witnessed the intricate plans we made
After all this time - we still felt so betrayed
Our shock was apparent - all faith bit the dust
If you can’t trust your own Mom - Who the hell can you trust
Who can you trust? ... Sylvie and me