The Great Unfolding (Amelia & All That Is)
The spring song. This song was inspired by watching our rabbit Amelia exploring and discovering new buds in late winter early spring. When we let our pet house rabbits out in our yard (always supervised), we started to notice what green plants they would choose. This was the catalyst to make us look really closely at the plant life in our yard. This is a song about very early spring, when new plant shoots are barely distinguishable from each other. This led us to discover the various stage of each leave (leaf) and flower as they opened up and unfolded. The real discovery is that no matter the scientific nature of it all, watching the unfolding of these origami sculptures, is absolutely magical. Within the chaos and hubris of daily life, spend a quiet contemplative moment meditating on the botanical world. Amelia is the bunny who taught us to stop and examine this whole world in our own back yard.