Adam & Eve
Just like Adam and Eve you are the only one for me
In this whole world round you are the only one I've found
And that's more than enough for me
And that's more than enough for me

Oh that apple wasn't bad though sometimes you drive me mad
Some might say we fall but God knows it's made me tall
And that's more than enough for me
That is more than enough for me

First, there was chaos then there was a light
A light, a light, a limitless light
Seven days later we found ourselves alive
Alive, alive, very much alive
Living here in heaven we should spread the wealth around
Knowledge is the ladder, the fall is just a dream
Selfishness and greed make the deity turn green

Just like Adam and Eve...
Miles from the megaliths, ages from the past
The past, the past, the deep and distant past
We're very slow at learning, our leaves are turning fast
Our leaves, our lives, our leaves on turning fast
We should sing and dance do our silliest routines
We should sing and dance do our silliest routines
Honoring the seasons, blessings on your bread
Rites lost then remembered, leave nothing left unsaid

Oh this may not be Eden though I find it hard believing
If it's any better than this, we'd be living is heavenly bliss
We'd be living in heavenly bliss
Just like living in heavenly bliss
We'd be living in heavenly bliss
And that's more than enough for me.