Truth In The Mud
Truth in the Mud

Growing up by Pleasure Bay
Fighting the wind and the rain
The mud was thick and the tide was in
Too little to know any pain

Got coins in my hand for the gas station
My little legs take me there
All that I know are the shapes of the clouds
And the smell of salt in the air

Children follow the script in their untouched minds
We grow later we dig through the stories we find
Follow all of the good that you’ve still got there
Cling to all of the people who are willing to tell you the truth

Little girl in your pristine world
Keep dreaming on, dreaming on
The secret is, you never grow up
And you’ll know in your heart what’s right and wrong

Big woman in a messed up world,
Keep living on, going on
The mud gets thicker and the rain keeps coming
But the places where you played in the mud
Is where you’ll find your truth

Growing up by Pleasure Bay,
Walking by the light of the sun
The reeds were high and the tide was out
And all I knew how to do was run

-Tara Dente