
The end is near despair despair
The end is near despair despair
Death and destruction is everywhere
The end is near despair despair

I get home and turn on my TV
The local news CNN MSNBC
Bombs exploding hurricanes tornadoes
Global warming erupting volcanoes

The end is near despair despair
The end is near despair despair
Poison in the water poison in the air
The end is near despair despair

I go outside to take a little walk
Got the sniffles think it might be the small pox
Mad cow ecoli sars ebola 'thrax the plague
Pretty soon we'll all be laying in a grave

The end is near despair despair
The end is near despair despair
Were slitting our own throats and we don't even care
The end is near despair despair

Religious zealots corrupted politicians
The nukes are flying on an Armageddon mission
The Myan calendar and good old Nostradamus
Hell it's too late for us the end is now upon us

The end is near despair despair
The end is near despair despair
An asteroid is headed for the county fair
The end is near despair despair

The end is near despair despair
The end is near despair despair
The end is coming and I've got nothing to wear
The end is near despair despair