Mayhem at the Beach (01:59) *Featured Song*
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Geza X

Mayhem at the beach
Hanging out at the local park
Drinking with my friends
It’s a nice sunny day
I hope it never ends
That’s when we saw the cops
And everything just stopped
Then I saw her drop as they formed a line
And with overwhelming force
They pushed us to the sea
Just a bunch of harmless kids
Playing anarchy
Tear gas fills the skies
Blood is in my eyes
I thought that we might die right then and there
Riot cops with billy clubs
Militarized police
Suntans blue skies
Mayhem at the beach
Jack booted thugs in uniform
Beating on your friends
They destroyed a perfect day
We commuted no offense
Beaten by the cops
My covered in snot
The lessons we were taught
On that sunny day
We regrouped to lick our wounds
And talk about the day
We salute the lucky ones
The ones that got away
Tear gassed by the cops
Face covered in snot
The lessons we were taught
On that sunny day
Riot cops with billy clubs
Militarized police
Suntans blue skies
Another day of mayhem at the beach