Seeking Quiddity
Quiddity: Noun Inflected forms: pl.quiddities 1. The real nature of a thing; the essence. 2. A hairsplitting distinction; a quibble.

It was a few years after i began my musical hobby when I chose to call my self Seeking Quiddity. I did this for a few reasons. Some of them are difficult to explain completely, but I will try my best. The first reason I chose a stage name such as this, is because I wanted to create an illusion, for listeners who might not know me personally. To have them wonder if I have a band playing with me, or if there are other members. A name like Seeking Quiddity implies a group, which I am not, making the reality seem more amazing. The second was also illusionary, but with the purpose of reflection. I didnt want to use my name, so I can draw people away from whose words are being sung, and whose feelings are being expressed, and see what kind of image of myself I create. Then there is the reason I chose the specific name Seeking Quiddity. Believe it or not, the name did not originally spawn from the meaning of the word Quiddity, but from a fictional definition. It was from a book, by my idolized author Clive Barker, the master of Horror and Fantasy. In his two book series of the Art, Quiddity is a sea. It is the sea of dreams, whose waters touch us only three times in our lifetime. Once the night we are born, once the night we sleep beside our true love, once and the night we die. Theoretically we can not visit this sea besides in our dreams those three nights, but if we had, the waters of Quiddity would transform us physically into what we look like in our hearts. It is difficult to explain. If anyone cares to look into it, pick up Clive Barkers The Great and Secret Show, and Everville. The idea of a dream sea intrigued me. It would show you for what you really were, and thats what I wanted. As the definition says, quiddity literally means, the essence. That is what my music is. I dont try and write it to please others, and I dont write it to make money. I do it to express myself, and in doing so I create something that others might be able to relate to. Something more powerful than just words. Seeking Quiddity is a collection of myself. All of the songs, with the exception of Ode to Lisa, and One is Bigger than the Other, have spawned from times of strong emotion. So I call myself Seeking Quiddity because beneath the music, you, and perhaps even I, can find out who I really am. Seeking Quiddity. The search for myself.
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    08/20/23 06:55:15

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