Sarah Cade - Broken Dreams
Broken Dreams

Somewhere wrapped up our precious things
Get overlooked, fall through the seams
Like broken dreams, that have no wings
And once you thought you’d see them there
In marquee lights, in the silver air
Do you despair, or even care?

Where do they go, before they die
Without a word and no goodbye
These precious things
Born with gilded wings
Now nothings

Your dreams were yours when you were young
Before your life was not your own
And now you’re grown where have they gone?
You wonder why you’re really here
Your middle years you face your fears
When Time is dear, dreams reappear

Where do they go, before they die
Without a word and no goodbye
These precious things, born with gilded wings
Now somethings

The thoughts that keep you up at night.
The ones that make your heart take flight
They seem so right, you feel their light
Give them sun they’ll start to grow
Like mustard seeds that you must sow
This path you know, mapped in your soul

Where will you go, when you fly
Unfurl your wings and ride the sky
On golden dreams with brand new wings