'Ol Beater Trucks
‘Ol Beater Trucks
Lyrics and music by Peter Boyer and Bart Lavis

1. It’s a hard life out there on the road
After a while those miles take their toll
A few simple tools’ll fix the worst stuff
There’s nothin’ complicated ‘bout an ‘ol beater truck

‘Ol beater trucks are true and tried
‘Ol beater trucks are more than a ride
With a roar of defiance, and no warranty
‘Ol beater trucks are vintage, like me

2. Maybe it’s fate or it might be my luck
But I’ve always driven ‘ol beater trucks
City boys drive ‘em when they’re shiny and new
But every month a big payment comes due

There’s Power Wagons, Jimmies, Chevies and Fords
They don’t make pickups like that, anymore
In 4 wheel drive you won’t get stuck
And you can drive around the world ‘ol beater truck!

3. So I’ll keep on rollin’ a few thousand more miles
This ‘ol beater truck’s gonna last me awhile
Just like the man that I am today
It’s rough round the edges, but I’ve gotta’ say, that