All I Want
I spent most of the evening last night with your album, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I definitely see what Bob saw in your stuff, particularly the ballads. I'm certain that you probably really enjoy singing the uptempo things, but I have to tell you...I think you have a voice and a delivery tailor-made for ballad singing.

Everything on the album hit my ears a lot stronger with repeated listens. And I heartily applaud your song choices. The Jimbeau Hinson collaboration is excellent, and the two Radney Foster songs are standouts, too.

I'm curious about your studio experiences, and would love to hear what others have said about your work.
Nice job on your website, too, by the way.

All the best,

Wade Jessen
Director of Country Charts
Bluegrass, Christian & Gospel Charts Manager
Billboard Information Group
Billboard Magazine/Billboard Radio Monitor