This song, written by Jeremy Campbell, Ray Stephenson & Caeland Garner, has unique features. When we hear or see the word 'Bluegrass', it's usually the genre or music form that comes to mind. For this song, it speaks of the lush fields of Kentucky bluegrass that the state of Kentucky is so well known for. Another unique feature is the harmony on the chorus and how it goes in and out of falsetto mode. It's a wonderful tale of undying love and, after working this song up, we knew that we wanted to include it in the band's recording catalog!
Wayne Benson-Mandolin
Keith McKinnon-Banjo, Harmony vocals
Nathan Aldridge-Fiddle
Kevin McKinnon-Bass, Harmony vocals

Produced by-Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out
Recorded at: Hat Creek Recording Company
Mixed/Mastered by: Russell Moore & Jim Price
Engineer : Jim Price