Roger Tibbs
My earliest recollections of music of any description are probably of my Mum and Dad singing old traditional country songs, while Dad played thumb style on a battered old guitar. I had a fascination for his large collection of 78 rpm. records and was often found on my own, loading them on to our old stack-up gramophone, playing the songs of Wilf Carter, Tex Morton, and Buddy Williams, over and over. I was really taken with the ‘one voice – one guitar’ cowboy style and at a really early age just knew I had to master the art of yodelling. These days I am writing and singing more and more of my own material, covering a far greater range of the easy listening genre than the country cowboy I started out as, although the early material remains an important part of what I do. I look back at the wonderful times we have had and the many wonderful friends we have found on the journey. But I also look forward to exciting times ahead. In fact an invitation to Canada in July 2008 to perform at the prestigious Calgary Stampede before an audience in excess of six thousand has definitely been a career highlight for me. To stand on the same stage as Wilf Carter just blew me away and now, even after the event it still seems like a dream to me. The Calgary Stampede draws in over 1.2 million people over the ten days and the Stampede ground just hums with music, cowboys and cowgirls. Roll on 2009 the excitement continues.......
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
    Wilf Carter
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/16/23 12:53:48

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