Winter Moon
“Winter Moon,” opens with a softly percussive harp-like flutter that falls gently upon the ear as the first viola theme rings out in a lush mid-range lament. Amidst sprightly chimes, the viola establishes the initial theme, and is soon accompanied by a cascade of warm strings. The viola is freed to explore variations on the theme, dancing through divergent harmonies to the constant rhythmic “snowfall.”

Suddenly all is quiet, and the second movement begins. The theme is echoed, but now joined by livelier percussion as it morphs into a Moroccan promenade. The now uplifted
theme returns in exuberant triumph, bouncing off the rhythm until the viola finally settles down, fully spent, and drifts off into the falling cadence once again.

A first impression of “Winter Moon,” in addition to the appreciating the warmly lavish production, is the feeling that its main theme invokes a film soundtrack. This is both a goal and an innate quality of the composer. Lorence, classically trained and experienced as a touring viola player, likens many modern epic films like Star Wars and their soundtracks to operas. Her musical compositions therefore, like soundtracks, tell a story.