Cowboy Bar
Cowboy Bar
Across the room man I don’t hear anything
Suddenly the music has come and gone
As quick as a blink before we can think
The television plays an old Fabian song
All about the time we tried to kill Elvis

John turned off all the microphones
He took away the beat from the drum

There are no more songs from the singer
There is no more chorus from the choir
There are no more dancers no more swingers
No dancing allowed in a cowboy bar

Before the patriot game I though we had everything
Beat and tears and laughter filled the air
Before we could shout the lights went out
All in the middle of a middle eight
Now we’re left with nothing but broken rhythm

John turned off all the microphones
He took away the beat from the drum

There are no more songs from the singer
There is no more bass from the bass guitar
There are no smooth talkers no more swingers
No dancing allowed in a cowboy bar