Rainbow Child
  • Rotoiti Song
  • Chicken Sunday
  • Rotoiti Song
    Genre: Acoustic
    MP3 (03:22) [7.7 MB]
  • Chicken Sunday
    Genre: Acoustic
    MP3 (03:49) [8.75 MB]
Rainbow Child are two friends who are reveling in the music around them. Their songs are made up of picturesque vocals, subconscious lyrics, and smooth, sometimes ethereal harmonies. With an ear for the unusual yet accessible, the duo are always experimenting with new sounds, techniques and effects in all aspects of their music. They cite their major influences as Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan and nature. To describe their music and philosophy in the words of one radio presenter: "That's what you do when you wile away the hours in a beautiful part of the country."
  • Members:
    Rupert Snook & Fraser Reeves
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/17/23 04:49:34

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