Dream Me Eagles
Dream Me Eagles Words and music by Philip Scott Poli c2020
I’ve a country of roadway behind me
Past the birds on the telephone wires
I am gone to where sorrow can’t find me
With the wolf’s song and the lightning fires
Only rivers and stones can hear me
My weeping is fussy with stars
In my refuge you cannot be near me
But know that dreams will always be ours
Dream me eagles dressed in moonlight
Sangiovese still on the vine
And while raptors spell out my name in the night
I will sing to your heart and make wine
You are sweet to send flowers to me
But my darling they wither and die
Flowers are temporary
Best you dream me your undying smile
And I will wait in the aura for word
Till the runes in your sleep dewdrop through
In sweet song, the best that a heart ever knew
And we will dance in the trance like it’s true
Dream me eagles dressed in moonlight
Sangiovese still on the vine
And while raptors spell out my name in the night
I will sing to your heart and make wine