Go Rest High on That Mountain
Go Rest High On that Mountain (Time: 3:42)

Vince Gill and fellow country artist Keith Whitley were friends. And when Whitley died in 1989, Gill began to pen the song. It remained on paper until someone else very close - his older half-brother Bob died in 1994. Gill finished writing the song, and he and other artists perform it to this day.

My Approach to Recording Go Rest High on That Mountain

My goal was to communicate the somber nature of Vince’s incredible song-such a beautiful heart-tugging song, I wanted to arrange it and play it with a variety of instruments to enhance the melodic power of the song,

As it is often played with guitar, I chose to use the banjo in a main role, thinking that if mixed right it would enhance the lyrical message. Also I used 12 string and some classical guitar along with the main guitar.

Of course, with a bunch of guitars in the mix all occupying the same lane, recording was “fun”. So, I used a lot of EQ going in with a transient shaper on the 12-string, and brought instruments in and out as the situation allowed.

From Album: Light, 2018

Composition: Vince Gill

Performance: Paul Ryan

Website: https://www.Ryantunes.com

Song Photo: Album Cover, David Monje Navidad

Recorded at Ryantunes Studios Scarborough Ontario, Canada. Mixed and mastered at Steve Sherman Productions, Toronto.

Ryantunes Social Media:
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1Mg-zO_CETgw8MK2KCRBQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075624047075

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@PaulRya39770855

Bandcamp: https://paulryan1.bandcamp.com/

Proprietary: Copyright Paul Ryan, 2014. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, copying or use of this recording are prohibited by law, and subject to criminal prosecution.

Performance Rights Organization SOCAN, Canada