Just a Closer Walk With Thee
Just a Closer Walk with Thee (Time: 3:31)

Just a Closer Walk with Thee was written sometime between 1855 and 1870. The writer remains unknown; however, it is possible that it was written by a slave during the Civil War. A version was published in 1885 by songwriter Fanny Crosby and musician William Kirkpatrick. This version was then updated circa 1900 by Elijah Cluke.

My Approach to Recording Just a Closer Walk With Thee

One key to recording this song for me was using the right mic for the vocal. Normally I would use a ribbon to give that softness the song demands.

However on this take I used a Neumann TLM49. It offers a smoothness to slower vocals in the midranges. Its one of those pieces of equipment that rarely gets used but when its right, its just right.

From Album: Light, 2018

Composition: Unknown

Performance: Paul Ryan

Website: https://www.Ryantunes.com

Song Photo: Album Cover, David Monje Navidad

Recorded at Ryantunes Studios Scarborough Ontario, Canada. Mixed and mastered at at Steve Sherman Productions, Toronto.

Ryantunes Social Media:
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1Mg-zO_CETgw8MK2KCRBQ

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075624047075

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@PaulRya39770855

Bandcamp: https://paulryan1.bandcamp.com/

Proprietary: Copyright Paul Ryan, 2014. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, copying or use of this recording are prohibited by law, and subject to criminal prosecution.

Performance Rights Organization SOCAN, Canada