The Light That Shines
The Light That Shines
by Donald K. Lefevra, ©1992
Unto the world, the Light was born.
Born to wear a crown of thorns.
In the darkness, a tiny flame.
The light that shined still remains.
The only Son that God begot.
Though the darkness understood it not,
Brighter and brighter the Light became.
The Light that shined still remains.
As the Light spread across the land,
Darkness rose up with a sword in hand
To extinguish this holy flame.
The Light that shined STILL remains.
The only Son that God begot.
Though the darkness understood it not,
Brighter and brighter the Light became.
The Light that shined still remains.
An eastern sky, the darkest night.
Lift your head child, here comes the Light.
Come rejoicing for your King.
The Light that shines shall rule and reign.
The only Son that God begot.
Though the darkness understood it not,
Brighter and brighter the Light became.
The Light that shined still remains.
Brighter and brighter the Light became.
The Light that shined still remains.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Jayanbu Publishing Company
Angola, Indiana