Deep Down (22)
Southern Gospel
Intro: 15
Song: 3:34
ISRC: QM9A92092576
Writer: Morgan Rhoads (BMI)
Producers: Morgan Rhoads and Danny Parks
Morgan Rhoads: Vocals
Danny Parks: All guitars
Duncan Mullins: Bass and Drums

I got the verses to this song in the barn one day while saddling a horse. That Sunday at church, my friend Mike asked if I had written anything lately, and I told him, oh yeah I have a new one I'm working on. Big mistake. Because he kept asking me if I had finished it yet for a lot of Sundays after that. This song was not one of the fast to finish ones, and I got sidetracked for awhile. But, once I got the bridge, I knew it was getting there. Danny's amazing guitar work adds a lot of character to this song and emphasizes the 'deep down' feel to it along with Duncan's rockin' bass and drums. Thank you both.