High Water
High Water By Randy Hanson MohaviSoul Music (BMI)
The Rio Grande flows wide tonight
La Migra is so far from site
Juan looks across to the other side
No one there to see him slide
Come hell or high water, we’ll get free
Down the muddy Rio, gone, gone, gone,
And we’re free……..
Break: Banjo
Chasing freedom through the night
Coyotes prey on your chance for flight
Juan never knows who’s on the other side
Hungry and thirsty, we fly low tonight.
Break: Accordion
Regalos del agua, sálvennos juntos
Caminos del agua, guardénnos vivos
Orilla del agua, nos separa vecinos
Es el agua, agua de vida
Break: Mando
La Migra made us hunt for Juan
But he slipped into the Rio and he was gone
Leaving La Migra stuck in the Rio mud
La Migra can’t see the Frontera for all
Break: Fiddle
There’s more than Juan’s story to tell
He’s German and smarter than hell
But like Juan, they deport smart one’s too
Even though he saved our water too.
Spanish Chorus Outro
Que vaya La Migra, No hay extranjeros
Vamos contigo por, una vida mejor
Last English Chorus plus tag last line “and we’re free”