Road Games
I wanted to include some jazz fusion on this CD; thus Allan Holdsworth was the obvious choice. I recorded Road Games when I was still living in Los Angeles where I had really nice studio that wasn’t as sound-proof as my current studio here in Nashville. So, there’s no doubt that when I recorded this track, I was a pain in the butt to my neighbors. Plus, I was playing SO loud I’m sure it could’ve been heard down my entire block! I had two Mesa Boogie heads powering two blonde Fender Bassman cabs for the distorted sound and two Gibson Lab 5’s for the clean, plus a large rack of gear. And, though I realize I’m first and foremost a guitarist who’s sometimes “forced” to sing, I really do enjoy singing songs like Road Games. Listen, I know I’m no Marvin Gaye, but I do put my heart in to it. Hope you enjoy my attempt even though it’s NO WHERE near what Allan played.

Technical notes: Buscarino Strat and amps mentioned above.